Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hans Florine

I'm closing the strongest hand gripper I could get at Big 5 Sporting Goods every day. Gee- 50 times in each hand every day for
50 days. Habit/consistency in this one is harder than the pure physical requirement. Goal for the 50 days is to close the #2
Captains of Crush before Steve's Birthday. I am also working to see if I can close any gripper 50,000 times in the 50 days. (I am
woefully behind right now with only 6500 done.) Another challenge is that I want to break one of these cheap grippers during the challenge. and lastly I want to close the #3 COC gripper before MY 50th Birthday in 2014. Thanks Steve for all the inspiration to set CHALLENGING Goals.

stated below in 50 words...

"Hans's 50th Challenge for Steve Edwards:

Close gripper 50 times in each hand every day for 50 days. Close the #2 Captains of Crush before Steve's Birthday. Close gripper
50,000 times in 50 days. Break a gripper during 50 days. close #3 COC gripper before MY 50th Birthday in 2014."